Department Of

General Medicine

General Medicine is a comprehensive branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis, management, and nonsurgical treatment of a wide range of diseases and conditions affecting the internal organs. This department is at the core of healthcare, dealing with everything from common illnesses to complex conditions that impact various systems within the body. Our expert team specializes in identifying the causes, understanding the symptoms, and providing accurate diagnoses to ensure effective treatment for disorders that can affect nearly every part of the body.


At our facility, we have a highly skilled team of doctors who are fully dedicated to this department. Their extensive experience, combined with a patient-centric approach, ensures the highest standards of medical care. Our doctors are committed to providing personalized treatment plans, taking into account the unique needs of each patient, with a focus on achieving the best possible health outcomes.

Our Doctors

Dr. T Vijayakumar
Dr. T VijayakumarMBBS, MD
Dr. Sreekumar Thekkoot
Dr. Sreekumar ThekkootMBBS, MD (Med) PG.Dip (Diab)
Dr. Biju Paul
Dr. Biju PaulMBBS, MD, GDip.DC
Dr. Arun Jacob W
Dr. Arun Jacob WMBBS, MD
Dr. Navin Sudhakaran
Dr. Navin SudhakaranMBBS, MD, GDip.DC